Sutler’s Home

Built in 1841 as the residence of the post sutler, Hiram Rich, who supplied the troops with such "nonissued items" as tobacco, writing paper,...

Council Oak

A shelter east of the Neosho River bridge protects the stump of the Council Oak. Gathered in the shade of the big oak on...

Viet Nam War Memorial (Memorial Park)

Constructed as a replica of the Washington D.C. Viet Nam War Memorial, this memorial is found in Memorial Park just east of the Courthouse....

U.S. Disciplinary Barracks

The "DB," as it is known, was established as a military prison in 1873. The buildings inside date from 1863 to 1964. The DB...

Trolley Station

The Trolley Station was used as a baggage storage and waiting area for soldiers and families riding the inter-city trolley between Junction City and...

The All Veterans Memorial

Dedicated on May 26, 1991, the first Memorial in the nation honors all Veterans from all wars. The park features a World War II...